The end of the year means that every organization under the sun asks 10 people what think about something and then publishes the results. Check out a quick roundup of recent career surveys below. But first, allow us to spank your ass raw for not using all of your vacation days. Congratulations America, you wasted 574 million vacation days in 2006! Are you proud?
Seriously people, make 2007 the year you grow a sack. No excuses. If we don’t take advantage of the little our employers give us – we get what we deserve. It’s YOUR time. No guilt, no pay back, no thinking about "what are they gonna do while I’m gone." I’ll tell you what they’ll do. The planet will continue to spin and your company will be AOK. #s:
58% Vow to Network More
75% Will Look for a New Job
69% Avoid Crucial Conversations
32% Fake Illness to Get Out of Work
62% of HR Folks Think Good Candidates Are Fading
Shame on those who squandered days!
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