Some jobs are as exciting as you make them. Others just suck. When I think of boredom at work my initial thought is some poor downtrodden dude in the middle of the country manually screwing caps onto tubes of toothpaste.
Back when I was slaving away at VH1 and FOX people’s eyes would light up when I told them where I worked. All they wanted to hear about were all the "famous people" I was meeting and seeing. And I would always humor them while thinking in my head how boring it all was. People are people. Rock star, news anchor, fisherman – all the freakin’ same. The same small talk. The same greenroom grapes. Yawn.
I’ve moved away from that now and work at a place where "famous" people don’t come streaming through the door. And guess what: it’s still boring. But I realize I could have it much worse. Here are some "celeb" jobs I think are down right boring. Feel free to add to the list or dispute or my picks.
Weatherman: You stand in front of a screen and read off a prompter. You hold a remote control. You’re not accountable for anything you say. You look forward to the one time a year the station throws you a bone on a Sunday morning and gives you some extra time to yap up some big charity event.
Traffic Reporter: The conditions are virtually the same everyday. Traffic on the Long Island Expressway at exit 23 – shocker. Whether you’re in a helicopter or on the ground – the yearning to be a "real" reporter just hurts so bad.
Soap Opera Star: Story lines change, yet they don’t change at all. I flip on Days of Our Lives and nothing has changed in 10 years. Who the hell is John Black!? Yes, there’s an influx of young, good looking people but the roles are so one-dimensional. Acting is supposed to stretch you to learn new things. Play a pirate, a doctor, a murderer! To learn all of those lines to play some weepy businesswoman day in and day out – snore!
Dishonorable mention: Sorting mail, retail register runner, bank teller, mall kiosk operator, train conductor (the thing drives itself, no?)
I realize that what I find boring might be completely different for you. So speak your mind below!
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