New car smell. The latest electronic gadget. A hot, dope girlfriend.
There’s no denying that nothing brings joy (at least short-term satisfaction) like "NEW." As we all learn the hard way, new turns into old – rather quickly.
After having several conversations over the weekend with folks who have all started new jobs, I decided to put together a list of why a new job rocks. There’s always a glow in a persons’ eye when they start a new gig. Let’s take a look at why:
Hope springs eternal. It’s the beginning of a new chapter of your life and anything is possible. This time around you’ll get to blind them with your creativity and dazzle them with ingenuity – all while rising to all-time financial and personal heights in record time. Hold onto the dream, cubemates!
New blood. You co-workers are smart, funny and understanding. Heck, they’re even good looking and flirtastic! They seem to all grasp the concept of work/life balance. It’ll be at least a month until you hate them too.
Ch-ch-ch-changes. From the route you take to work to when you take your lunch break to that shiny new desk and squeak-free chair – you’re finally taking deep breaths and enjoy the "little things." Change is the only constant and an invigorating force.
First impressions. God bless the clean slate. No one here knows about that dust up with Linda in accounting. They don’t know that you’ll only take sick days on Fridays or when there’s a big meeting. This time – you’ll be different. You’ll smile and say good morning to each and every co-worker! Goodbye awkward hallway moments when your eyes sink to the floor. Before you blink, you’ll crawl back into your shell.
The halted job search. It’s not until you start a new job that you realize how much time you were spending searching the job boards. Now you can back to searching for elementary school friends and assorted vintage crap on eBay.
Small talk upgrade. At that next family function you’ll actually have something interesting to say when people ask the obligatory, "how’s work going?" Your answer will be fresh and somewhat passionate as you sell the new gig to the person – and more importantly – yourself.
I’m sure there are plenty of other pluses to starting a new job. I’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. And for all of you lucky enough to land on your feet at a sweet new gig – good for you! Enjoy it for all it’s worth and ride the positive wave. You’ll be jaded soon enough – and we’ll be waiting for you with open arms.
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