Sitting at my desk. Minding my own business. And then it hit. A smell that was like no other. Fortunately, I’ve never smelled a dead body in my life. But I imagine it smelling something like this.
Apparently, it’s called natto. And it got the whole office talking. In fact, I don’t think that poor Asian girl I work with is ever coming back.
A Google search turned up that natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. Man, I like soy – but this stuff is rancid. Seriously, we’re all so distracted now that it’s impossible to work.
Granted, if our bastard employers gave us the lunch hour we deserve, eating at your desk would be a non-issue.
Do you think certain foods should be banned from the office? I’ve got my list below (by no means complete!) and I’d love to hear from you. Visit the message board to join the conversation.
Natto (a new reason to bring up an old topic!)
Any type of nuked fish
Cheese (parmesan, etc.)
Popcorn (yes, the smell pisses me off!)
And my co-worker Ken tells me that nothing is worse then Surstromming, a Swedish delicacy consisting of fermented Baltic herring. Look it up. It reeks!
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