The most popular workplace jokes often revolve around repetition. "Another day, another dollar." But there’s a reason for this. Life, believe it or not, is not all that interesting. As much as it will pain you to accept (and you’ll fight it!) there are a pre-determined number of ways we can react to situations. Yes, you are NOT unique.
All of us have scripts, games and tapes we play on a daily basis – especially at work. Learn more at this previous post.
Today I want to look at two games I tend to come across quite a bit.
See What You Made Me Do!
You’re working on a presentation and are under a tight deadline. A work colleague stops by your desk and asks you if you want to order lunch. This interruption "causes" you to make a "typo" or lose your train of thought.
"ARGH!" you proclaim.
This type of reaction from an individual has a tendency to repeat – until people realize they should stay away from the individual in order not to "distract" them.
Of course the "slip" is not your co-workers fault – and the person loves blaming others. The reason we all play this game is simple: vindication. You avoid responsibility and it gets you off the hook. People who play this game too often might find themselves without any lunch pals.
There are three variations of this game.
1st Degree: Imagine a colleague at work announces that they have been diagnosed with some sort of illness – but they say they’ll continue to work – without any change in productivity. This likely will have your colleagues admiring your fortitude.
2nd Degree: A colleague is diagnosed with an illness but remains silent about it. Eventually, they collapse at their desk, proclaiming "Look How Hard I Was Trying." It’s a person looking for love but results in guilt.
3rd Degree: A colleague is diagnosed with an illness, continues to work and doesn’t tell a soul – not even their family. This is the ultimate slap in the face to those you love and respect because they never had a fighting chance to help you.
There’s dozens of others I’ll share in later posts – so please subscribe now. For now, just recognize these games. In yourself. In others. And do what you can to break the pattern! We have a full week of work ahead – so why not make it a little different! 😉
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