It seems that there are dozens people in my area at work that were born under the sign of Taurus. It’s been absolute birthday celebration overload. Gluttony. That got me thinking about past jobs and the many different ways offices usher in the annual event. Some places pull out all the stops. Currently, we get bagels, spreads, pies, cakes and the most depressing rendition of Happy Birthday ever. It’s a thoughtful gesture on everyone’s part but the singing bit could be the most uncomfortable 18 seconds EVER. Also, your cube gets "dressed up" with recycled streamers and banners – ensuring that anyone who didn’t know it was your birthday – now does.
In the past, I’ve worked at offices that have ignored birthdays (secretly, it never feels good), that have forced you to go out for an obligatory drink (after hours) or have a forced lunch outing where everyone chips in a few bucks to cover your meal (always awkward when the bill comes).
How does your office celebrate birthdays? And is it me, or was everyone and their mother born in April or May!?
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