Getting your coworkers to like you depends on many variables. Some of these variables you can control, such as your own behavior, and others, such as the mindset of your coworkers, can’t be controlled. Some variables simply depend upon you react. In this article, we will explore a few of the different ways that you can bring even the “toughest cookie” around to your side.
Keep this key fact in mind; you may be able to get most of your coworkers to like, you but people are complex, flawed and, yes, sometimes completely horrible. There may be occasions where the best you can hope for is to get a coworker or coworkers to leave you alone. That aside, in most situations, you will be able to successfully get your coworkers to like you.
Step One-Be Persistent and Consistent
People like predictability. Even people who fancy themselves as thrill-seeking maniacs like having predictable, consistent and reliable coworkers. If you are prone to mood swings or are having personal problems, then leave them at home, in your car or at the restaurant during your break. If people feel that you are a known commodity it is more difficult to be hostile towards you.
Step Two-Be Likable, But Don’t Try Too Hard
Trying too hard will be seen by many as a sign of weakness. By being likable and approachable, along with being consistent, you will slowly win over followers.
Step Three-If Possible Stay Out of Office Politics
People will try to drag you into office politics. Stay in the background as much as possible. Office enemies can be enemies for life. Jobs mean money, and that means livelihoods are at stake. As a result, people have a tendency to overreact to the slightest bit of nonsense.
Step Four-Have a Good “Memory”
Navigating the typical office environment means that you need to have a good memory. Consider jotting down notes on your coworkers, what they like and what they don’t like. Keeping this information in your mind will keep you from stepping on any toes. (However, whatever you do, never under any circumstances bring this notebook with you to work!)
Step Five-Be Genuine
Most people can, to varying extents, detect when someone is fake. Remember that you will be seeing these people day after day, perhaps even for years. If you are being phony, sooner or later you will likely be discovered, and that could mean real problems. Those wishing to be liked should be as genuine as possible. Try to socialize, learn about your coworkers and show that you care when they are having problems.
Following these five points will help you fit in and be liked at work. At worse, people will be indifferent towards you, and that is certainly better than being hated. In time, you will be able to refine your approach towards your coworkers, and this will increase your chances of being liked as well. Finally, show your good side as much as you can, and be willing to forgive. Sure, you might have to show your teeth at some point, but if you want to be liked, and not feared, then a smile is the better place to begin.
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