Some people are scared of being fired.
Some bosses are scared to fire people.
And a growing number of workers are scared that someone’s gonna go postal over a bad review.
So… Is the workplace the new Fear Factor?
According to the American Institute of Stress, 40 percent of worker turnover is the result of job stress, and some one million workers are absent each workday because of stress-related complaints.
A good boss will work hard to eliminate elements of fear and anxiety form the workplace. The result will be better communication, greater everyday clarity and increased creativity.
There’s an excellent article that was published by the Department of the Navy’s Total Quality Leadership Office that is a great detailed read. Check it out.
A career-minded individual must be careful not to let fear box them into short-term thinking. This is when you look to avoid or resolve a situation quickly just to get it off your plate and out of your hair. Whether it’s taking on a bully boss, speaking publicly, or avoiding travel – fear has many shapes – and it’s different for all of us.
One quickie tip I can give you, regardless of your stressors, is Diaphragmatic Breathing. It’s a simple tool which is great to bring you back to the present moment and keep you centered.
What brings you stress at work? Tell your fellow workers what freaks you out and what helps you get through!
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