Your boss wears these underpants. Well, 2 out of 5 at least. Many newspapers and Web sites that cover the "career genre" are running this headline today: "2 of 5 Bosses Don’t Keep Word." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Why do people jump all over every survey conducted by Anybody, USA? I really hope as this podcast/blog grows we will give the hardest working souls out there a voice. No statistical garbage. Cause at the end of the day, do you care if you’re among the 99% who couldn’t care less about career surveys?
That being said, I’ll contradict myself and post a few findings by a study that will be released later in the year by The Leadership Quarterly (sounds sooooo important):
• 39% of workers said supervisors broke promises.
(Supervisors ARE human. Would you expect anything better?)
• 37% said their supervisor failed to give credit when due.
(Where the hell do the 63% work?)
• 31% said their supervisor gave them the "silent treatment" over the past year.
(This I found interesting. I thought I was alone. But it’s important to keep in mind that it’s most likely something personal going on with them – not you.)
There’s plenty more. If you’re a stats whore check it out.
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