I started writing a WorkHack blog entry on remembering names. In fact, it was pretty much done. Then I Googled it and saw how thoroughly exhausted the topic is. We’ve made a commitment to our readers and listeners to offer a unique take on all things work related. That being said, I literally just hit delete on the whole piece.
You already know you need to make an effort to "catch" their name, repeat it immediately, sprinkle it in throughout the conversation and say it again at the end.
You probably also know that it’s useful to ask people how it is spelled or what variation they prefer to help you recall it later on. Andrew? Andy? Drew?
I always try to draw a parallel between the name and a famous person or band or song. Whatever. Enough about that.
Eric and I are almost done with the Working Podcast #53 – our first show back after an extended hiatus. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited we are to be back on this project "full-time." While we both hold down "real" jobs, we’ve jumped into it headfirst to bring you a product we are both passionate and proud of. Some of the items we’ll cover on show #53: how to be happier at work, unique career resolutions those "monster" sites don’t wanna tell you about, and new career Web sites that can make your work life a whole lot better.
I really hope you’ll subscribe to this blog by adding the RSS feed you see to the right of this page into your feed aggregator of choice. I’ll have more info on the new podcast feed over the next few days. If you give a rats ass, you can follow what I’m doing right now.
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