FORTUNE Magazine is always “wowing” us with their “100 Best Companies to Work For.”
As far as we’re concerned, work pretty much sucks no matter where you are. Are you telling me no one has a crappy, passive-aggressive, nightmare-of-a-boss at Google? C’mon! In honor of their list, we have one of our own. Jobacle.com Presents the 100 Best FICTIONAL Companies to Work For. Since they’re not real companies, work can’t suck as bad!
We need your help to complete the list! Please leave a comment below with the fictional company you’d wanna work for and why.
100 Best FICTIONAL Places to Work
Arcade Flower Shop, Three’s Company: Never any misunderstandings.
Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, Harry Potter: Diagon Alley’s finest.
Victoria’s Circuit, Futurama: Lingerie for robots. Hot!
33¢ Store, The Simpsons: No employee discount.
El Banco Corrupto, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Fill your pockets.
Silver Shamrock, Halloween III: Free masks (and snakes!)
Stay Puft Corporation, Ghostbusters: Marshmallow madness.
Wonka Industries, Charlie: Take home a oompah loompah!
Blue Moon Detective Agency, Moonlighting: Old actors at their hottest.
The Foundation, Knight Rider: Your office is a truck. Your cube is a car.
Macmillan Toys, Big: Damn Zultan!
The Reef, SpongeBob SquarePants: Movies, popcorn, Goobers – oh my!
Merrick BioTech, The Island: Clones of Scarlett and Jude? Say no more.
The Peach Pit, 90210: Nat. And free blueberry pie.
The Korova Milkbar, A Clockwork Orange: Great scenery.
Paper Street Soap Company, Fight Club: No direct deposit.
Mel’s Diner, Mel’s Diner: Free cherry pie.
Dunder Miflin, The Office: Oh, the comedy.
The Everything Store, I Heart Huckabees: Discounts on everything.
Rodbell’s, Roseanne: Free apple pie.
Best fictional companies continued…
Rex Kwan Do, Napoleon Dynamite: Vote for Jobacle!
The Fairly Oddparents, Wall to Wall Mart: Ah, walls.
Vitameatavegamin, I Love Lucy: A happy cure-all.
Bushwood Country Club, Caddyshack: Everyday is Groundhog’s Day.
Consumer Recreation Services, The Game: Challenging and fun.
The Rusty Anchor, Golden Girls: I’d work there for the ladies.
IPS (International Parcel Services), King of Queens: What can crown do for you?
Pendant Publishing, Seinfeld: Kick Piederman in the nads.
Lacuna Inc., Eternal Sunshine: F with their minds.
H.A.L. Labs, 2001: A Space Odyssey: Damn Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computers!
Life Extension, Vanilla Sky: Open your eyes.
Rekall, Inc., Total Recall: Quaid!
Bluehound Bus Line, Dilbert
Atlantic American Airlines, Meet the Parents: Chopsticks in your hair are optional.
KACL, Frasier: I’m listening…
Flingers, Office Space: Flair!
Burrito Explosion, Mr. Meaty: Cooler then Soy What?
Fatso’s, The Wonder Years: A Drive-In that calls it like it sees it.
The Max, Saved by the Bell: Always open, never crowded.
McDowell’s, Coming to America: The original Mickey D’s.
Bada Bing, Sopranos: Boobalicious.
Wu-Tang Financial, Chappelle’s Show: High-yield finds!
Wally World, National Lampoon’s Vacation: They’re always closed.
The Dharma Initiative, Lost: Who are these people?
The Leftorium, The Simpsons: Argh! I’m right-handed.
Edna’s Edibles. Facts of Life: God bless Mrs. Garrett.
Daily Planet, Superman: Unlimited sick days.
21 Jump Street, 21 Jump Street: Back to school.
The Enterprise, Star Trek: Beam me up.
More fictional companies…
Powell Family, Charles in Charge: Professional babysitter.
Central Perk, Friends: Except for Gunther
Night Court, Night Court: Late hours.
Arnold’s Drive-In, Happy Days: Fonz rules!
WKRP, WKRP in Cincinnati: Venus Flytrap foreva.
Moe’s Tavern, The Simpsons: Hi, is I.P. Daily there?
Lomax Industries, Weekend at Bernie’s: The boss is dead!
Hudsucker Industries, Hudsicker Proxy: From the mailroom to the top.
Los Pollos Hermanos, Breaking Bad: The chicken might just be okay, but for some reason the benefits plan is stellar!
Chubby’s, Boy Meets World: Feeny, table for one.
Mugatu Industries, Zoolander: So hot right now…
The Daily Bugle, Spiderman: It’s easy to write articles for photos that good.
Globex Corporation, The Simpsons: Sure, your boss is supervillain Hank Scorpio, but how about those hammocks!
Entertainment 720, Parks & Recreation: You get paid to shoot free throws with Roy Hibbert and Detlef Schrempf.
Soylent Corporation, Soylent Green: Think of the free samples!
SS Minnow, Gilligan’s Island: You’d be able to watch the engineering genius of creating a radio made out of coconuts right before your very eyes.
TGS with Tracy Jordan, 30 Rock: How television is made is always exciting!
Even more fictional companies…
Grace Adler Designs, Will & Grace: From what we can tell, you’re allowed to drink all day long.
Pierce & Pierce, American Psycho: The best business cards in the business.
Wayne Enterprises, Batman: Because your boss is keeping the streets of Gotham safe, single-handedly.
Cheers, Cheers: Customer, employee, everybody just seems to know your name.
Goliath National Bank, How I Met Your Mother: a lengen…wait for it…dary place to work!
Pricemart, That 70’s Show: A “blast from the past” and a real groovy place to work.
Career Transitions Corporation, Up In The Air: Telling people they’re fired all day long? For some, that probably sounds like heaven.
Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana, Arrested Development: where there’s always money, there’s a good place to work!
Livingston, Gentry & Mishkin, Bosom Buddies: Sure, you rarely ever get to see your boss, but your coworkers are great
Luke’s Diner, Gilmore Girls: The service can’t be beat
Adventureland, Adventureland: You can come of age and make a few extra bucks at this amusement park.
Buy-N-Large, Wall-E: Because they own everything in the world.
Average Joe’s Gym, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story: A welcoming work environment, why not feel good and drop a few pounds in the process?
Duff Beer, The Simpsons: You won’t be able to get enough, of that wonderful Duff.
Michael Scott Paper Company, The Office: Dunder Mifflin’s chief competition – who wouldn’t want to join the rat race of mid-major paper sales in Pennsylvania?
Brawndo, Idiocracy: The chief reason that future generations become stupider, but still a thirst quencher like no other.
Fisher & Sons, Six Feet Under: Come in everyday to ponder the meaning of life and death.
Mitch and Murray, Glengarry Glen Ross: Better hope you don’t get third prize!
Multi National United, District 9: Working with aliens all day, why not?
Oscorp, Spiderman: Sure, your boss is the Green Goblin, but they’re doing some really interesting research!
Pizza Planet, Toy Story: If you’re a child at heart, this place is paradise.
Momcorp, Futurama: Ever wanted to work with robots?
Ewing Oil, Dallas: That’s where the money is!
Prestige Worldwide, Step Brother: You can never have too many black leather gloves.
Tyrell Corporation, Blade Runner: More human than human? Sign us up!
Omni Consumer Products, Robocop: Making sure that the world is safe, with cutting edge robot-cop technology.
Monsters Inc., Monsters Inc.: For those who enjoy working with children.
Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters: If you’re looking to fight the good fight, and ain’t afraid of no ghosts.
Pied Piper, Silicon Valley: For when you want to work with the good guys.
TelAmeriCorp, Workaholics: Something tells us we might not be getting a lot done if we worked here.
Yakonomo Corporation, True Blood: Help the undead come out of their coffins!
Mega Lo Mart, King Of The Hill: An added bonus if you’re a huge Chuck Mangione fan.
Vandelay Industries, Seinfeld: Work as a latex salesman!
Frosty Palace, Grease: Enjoy a milkshake while you work, just don’t mind it when the youth start breaking into song on you.
Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, Mad Men: If you can handle your liquor, you’re hired.
M.I.B., Men In Black: Defend the universe – we hear the benefits plan is pretty good, too.
The Smash Club, Full House: Work with the coolest guy in the world, Uncle Jesse.
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