Thanks very much to Lauren for her very interesting perspective on comparing/contrasting where the POTUS labors in the Oval Office, to the rather humble work abodes that the rest of us get to inhabit for some eight hours a day. That's about 225 days a year, or, if you prefer, 7,875 hours, but hey-who's counting?When we think about going from the very apex of office couture to the more utilitarian stuff that we're all used to, the way we decorate our spaces does say a helluva lot about us. And, while our wall space does indeed send a message, this, of course, isn't necessarily good, either for our images or for our future career.It's like the very short, typically Napoleonic boss who insists on having office furniture that's either too small (to make him appear taller), or very large (so that we're impressed with the 'grandeur' of the setting). More interesting, I think, is the way in which each of us chooses to decorate our workspace.It's ironic, if you think about it, how easily … [Read more...] about What Your Office Walls REALLY Reveal About You
Career Advice Blog
Ergonomically Correct Chair of the Future?
It’s not enough that we have to be politically correct at work; we now have to be ergonomically correct as well. Companies have begun taking stock in the fact that HR is requiring us to sign off on forms that our desks are “ergonomically correct”.Too bad we didn’t think of this first, huh?Introducing the Kneelsit chair. This chair is customized to each person’s height and weight so that no adjustments are necessary. Reportedly, this chair takes the pressure off the spine and lower back to alleviate pain and correct posture. All for the low price of...$499? What economic crisis?!As an office manager in a chiropractic and physical therapy clinic, this chair seems like a genius idea for preventive and maintenance care. But let’s return back to earth; what employer is going to pay for this? We need a retailer like Wal-Mart (as much as it pains me to say it) to jump on this train and produce it for an affordable price.Does your company value ergonomics in the workplace? Would any of … [Read more...] about Ergonomically Correct Chair of the Future?
Resume Writing Challenge: Lesson 1
When the idea of holding the first annual Jobacle Resume Writing Challenge popped into my head, it appeared to be a no-lose exercise. I would get to give readers a better understanding of how the resume writing process works, and in the process, get my resume revamped - 12 times over!Over the coming weeks I plan to share what I learned, and along the way, show you the resumes that our participants have produced. I think you'll like what you see. Some writers impressed me, others validated my fears.The first lesson I would like to share...When searching for a resume writer, have an understanding of how involved you want to be in the process and how much time you have to commit.This became abundantly clear to me as I logged hours upon hours of time talking and e-mailing with different resume writers. Does time spent yield a better final product? I'll leave that for you to decide, but it should be a consideration when you begin your search for a … [Read more...] about Resume Writing Challenge: Lesson 1
The Silly Influence of Coworkers
People like to fancy themselves leaders. Reality says otherwise. Even extreme mavericks are subject to the influence of others. Many of the nuances and habits we pick up, we're unaware of. At least until that ballsy coworker calls us out."Eww. You sound like Joe!"The accused immediately goes into defensive mode."Oh, I said that long before Joe."Good, bad or otherwise, we are constantly latching on to other people's words and actions. With the amount of time we all spend at the office, it should come as no surprise that our payroll comrades are responsible for much if this influence.Heck, there are catchphrases I picked up 10 years ago that I still use today.- I end all my phone conversations with 'see ya' thanks to Greg.- I'll occasionally lean against a wall and bring my head to my knees to refresh the blood flow to my brain thanks to Jason.- I never complain about my wife at work, even in a joking way, thanks to Eric.- Most recently, I find myself saying 'super' (as … [Read more...] about The Silly Influence of Coworkers
And You Think YOUR Office Is Cramped?
Remember how George Jetson's spacemobile used to turn into a suitcase with the push of a button? Well, thanks to our friends in Japan, foldable and portable rooms are now a reality, available for around $7,500 a pop.Your company might not be replacing your cubicle yet, but as our workplaces become more crowded, and the prices drop, remember who warned you first... … [Read more...] about And You Think YOUR Office Is Cramped?
Pay Gap Inequity Stretches Across U.S.
It seems that the cynicism over pay gap inequity is stretching from the bright lights of Hollywood across the country to the bankruptcy and debt of Wall Street. As one peeved reader commented on Andrew’s blog Where’s the $22 Million Bonus Now, Lehman?, “The public is tired of seeing the rich get richer, then being stuck with the bill.” I count not agree more. The reports are coming out on exactly how much each company wasted on bloated CEO salaries, bonuses, and benefit packages. While we’re not outright stuck with the bills from the failing films on Hollywood, Forbes did put out an interesting report on the most overpaid actors. Some highlights of this study include the studio that produced The Invasion losing $2.68 for every dollar that Nicole Kidman earned, Tom Cruise only earned his studio for Lions and Lambs $1.88 for every dollar he was paid, and Jennifer Garner’s Catch and Release earned a measly 34 cents for every dollar of her paycheck. Whether or not the pay inequity gaps … [Read more...] about Pay Gap Inequity Stretches Across U.S.
Job News Isn’t ALL Bad
As Americans sat in front of their TVs last week watching President Bush talk about our dwindling economy and job market, many have wondered, “is there any good news?” While large businesses have lost more than 170,000 jobs over the last six months, small businesses are seeing their employment sector grow. Over 200,000 small business jobs have been created in that time. New data shows a continuation of this trend. Today, Automatic Data Processing (ADP) released the September ADP National Employment Report® and ADP Small Business Report® which showed small business employment - defined as businesses with fewer than 50 workers – added 28,000 jobs during September. See below for a break-down of the small business data by sector:• Total small business employment: +28,000 • Goods-producing sector: -16,000 small business jobs• Service-providing sector: +44,000 small business jobsIf charts and graphs are … [Read more...] about Job News Isn’t ALL Bad
The Pros and Cons of Work Travel
In the workforce of today and tomorrow, the necessity of “business travel” is becoming more and more apparent. Globalization has shown us that it is often more profitable, multi-cultural, and interesting to do business with foreign companies. With these changes have come different challenges for the normal worker. This article explores the pros and cons of such a change. Home Life Pro - You get to travel the world, see many different places, experience new cultures, have sex with hundreds of cheap prostitutes, and meet a whole array of interesting people.Con - You miss your girlfriend/boyfriend (if you have one), you miss your wife/husband/family a lot (if you have any). If you have neither, then you’re one lucky son of a bitch, because under this heading there are no cons. But please, wear a condom/ femidom when amalgamating with the local brazzers. Office Life Pro - I don’t know about you, but personally speaking, it’s great to get away from the normal hustle and … [Read more...] about The Pros and Cons of Work Travel
Quick, Look Busy…Or Else
Are you reading this at work? Then it’s probably counting towards the estimated 1/3 of the day that 32% of workers admit to wasting. A new study by calls it ‘surprising’ that 96% of British workers admitted avoiding work by doing non-essential tasks like desk tidying and tea-making. But attempting to spend all day, every day, fully focused on the job at hand is pretty unrealistic. So what are people doing that ‘wastes’ time, and is it really a surprise? – Maybe you don’t actually have enough work. If you’re not being challenged, do something about it, or get out of there before you get burnt out. – 23.4% of’s 2005 survey respondents said they wasted time because they felt underpaid. Time wasting is taking time, which equals money. It might give you a certain satisfaction, but slacking will never get you that raise! – Idly surfing the web was the biggest distraction for 44.7% of people. Access is restricted for many employees, but that often creates resentment, … [Read more...] about Quick, Look Busy…Or Else
Lessons From the Mets' Historic Collapse…Again
For the second consecutive season, the New York Mets have failed in the clutch, coughing up an opportunity to advance to the playoffs. This has led sports pundits and media talking heads to speculate on personnel changes, even a full-blown team overhaul. As sports fans are already aware, this is highly unlikely because (a) players are bound by contracts, (b) good talent is hard to find, and (c) the Mets will fill the stadium next year regardless of who is on the team.Good leaders never point fingers (at least publicly), but they are able to identify the problem and repair it. Only fools make the same mistake over and over again. And unfortunately for the Mets and their ownership, they are repeat offenders. Sure, several changes were made: a new mid-season manager, rookie call-ups, and the signing of an absolute stud of a pitcher in Johan Santana. And yes, they were plagued by injuries (but what team isn't?). The bottom line is that the core of the team is the same and so is the … [Read more...] about Lessons From the Mets' Historic Collapse…Again