A growing Web site, Zolio.com, provides solutions for both job seekers and employers. Their Web site states that the reason for starting the site was “to create your professional identity after Facebook and before LinkedIn.”
Essentially, this site was designed to help new job seekers (right out of high school or college) to build their resume and professional identity on the Internet. However, the Web site proves to be beneficial for entry-level employees, experienced workers, and employers alike.
The free site allows job seekers to build a resume by focusing on the content without worrying about the format. It also allows job hunters to upload documents, videos, or other items to impress employers.
Zolio takes it a step further by offering a personal URL to add to an email signature or a job application. If that isn’t enough, add the “Z” icon to your website or your social networking page for interested employers to click on and link back to your zolio profile.
Hiring managers can search Zolio for candidates they are considering bringing on to the team. If they decide to do a name search (gasp!) on you, the URL for your zolio profile should appear and make quite a professional impression. Well at least better than your Facebook profile, which if left searchable for the public, may display the embarrassing picture of you doing a keg stand. It’ll be interesting to see where Zolio profiles turn up in search engines as they’re indexed.
As with many new Web sites, it doesn’t necessarily move at warp speed and it isn’t 100% user friendly. However, my profile took less than 30 minutes to build and I’m even considering placing the “Z” icon on some of my social networking sites.
Will you stop off at the crossroads between Facebook and LinkedIn? Or better yet, would you be willing to brand your Internet URLs, social profiles, and other virtual identities with the “Z” logo?
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