I don’t know about you guys, but I have had it up to here (if you could see me you would observe that I’m standing up on my tip toes, with my hand stretched up high in the air) with the lack of personal cleanliness around the office. At first I thought I was being anal about the whole thing, but then I spoke to some colleagues, and they too are concerned. Here are the findings of my slightly neurotic observations…
Not everyone washes their hands after using the toilet! Due to this I have now developed an aversion to handles on toilet doors, and refuse to touch them. After all, what’s the point in taking the time to wash your hands if the door handle is covered in the residue of somebody’s piss? This is of course only with regards to the male sex, as I have not had the privilege of using the ladies bathroom…yet.
Along the same lines is food-related hygiene. At my last job, I noticed that in the workplace restaurant it is necessary to touch money before eating your food. That is, you pay for your food, and then you eat it, without washing your hands. Now as we all know, money is filthy, so why are we forced to do this? I suppose it’s ok if the food can be eaten with a knife and fork, but we run into problems in the world of the baguette/sandwich/bagel etc…
Another nasty habit I’ve also noticed is one that occurs mostly (but not solely) in men. This is of course the scratching of the genitals. That sounds like the title of a movie Mark Wahlberg would star in. (Speaking of Mark Wahlberg, has anyone seen “The Happening”? My God, is that a sh*t movie! Probably the sh*ttest* of all time actually.) Anyway, yeah this is a disgusting habit, and it makes things even worse when the guilty parties start touching things around the office, like the fax machines and photo-copiers. One way to tackle this problem is to make everyone wear boxing gloves, but that’s just not practical, especially if you decide to peel an orange.
As we are all a part of this beautiful world, it is necessary for us all to jump on board the green train. In practical terms this can be something as simple as separating your rubbish into the relevant categories. However, at my old job, people really didn’t give a shit about this and would just throw everything into closest bin. Hopefully this is not the common feeling, and I think most people and companies nowadays are starting to take heed of the environmental concerns. But not washing your hands is taking this green thing to a whole new level.
In summary: Recycle, wash your hands, and don’t scratch your nuts.
* This is not a real word.
This is a guest post by Chris O’Hara.
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