Obvious suggestive imagery at its finest. That’s what you’ll see below in the Belle and Sebastian video for their mid-90s song Step Into My Office.
The Scottish indie band sings about crossing the line between work and play.
She called me up today
Meet me down at the old café
I jumped into the shower
I was getting my marching orders
We need to talk
Step into my office, baby
I want to give you the job
A chance of overtime
Say, my place at nine?
She’d never stand for any lies
She’s got an Out Tray full of guys
I could sense a breath, a whole new feeling
Now she says she wants to call a meeting
We need to talk
Step into my office, baby
I want to give you the job
A chance of overtime
Say, my place at nine?
I’m a slave to work
I’m only living when I walk amongst the office staff
And catch up with the office wag
I’ll be in bed by nine
My curtains drawn
My thoughts composed
I get to work on time
She gave me some dictation
But my strength is in administration
I took down all she said
I even took down her little red dress
We need to talk
Step into my office, baby
I’m going to give you the job
I’m pushing for a raise
I’ve been pushing now for days
My output is in decline
I was burned out after Thatcher
My banner I laid down with a sigh
Now I doubt if I’ll ever catch her
I’ve got to change my ways
Dress for business every day
A sharp suit and a kipper tie
A big arrow pointing to my fly
Have you shaved for work yet, baby?
Don’t go where the boss is, baby
We need to talk
Step into my office, baby
I want to give you the job
A chance of over time
Say my place at nine?
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