According to a new survey conducted by ExecuNet, a career-networking firm for executives, IT and sales pros are not very happy at work. But guess who is: HR. Maybe it’s all of those raises and extra vacation days they keep approving for themselves.
Based on 2,149 executives earning an average salary of $221,000, the survey turned up the following. Here’s the % who say they are "satisfied" with their current gig:
HR = 67%
CFOs = 63%
Marketing = 44%
Sales = 42%
IT = 41%
It doesn’t really surprise me that the majority of people are not satisfied at work. What does surprise me is that the tech world is at the bottom. The top five reasons cited for dissatisfaction included limited advancement opportunities (13 percent), lack of challenge/personal growth (both at 13 percent), differences with culture (10 percent), "boss not a good match" (10 percent) and compensation (9 percent).
Why are HR pros so darn happy? Is it the power to hire and fire? Or is it that a certain kind of optimistic person is drawn to the job to begin with? In my experience, I’ve often found HR pros to be friendly, upbeat and super approachable. Sure, they often keep our resumes in limbo and assault us with memos on 401k-plan changes – but at least they enjoy doing it.
I’d love to get your take. Leave a comment below!
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