The saying, “quitters never win and winners never quit” has been quoted so often that it is engrained in our brains as truth. But when it comes to quitting your job, this is not always the case. In many instances quitting your job will make you feel like a new person, and a winner again.
According John Khoury, CEO and founder of the latest comprehensive online health and wellness resource, Liquic.com, there are several healthy reasons to quit your job, and plenty of health benefits from quitting. Here are some pointers on how to know when to quit, how to quit, and what quitting can accomplish.
Reasons to Quit
* Work is overly stressful and leaves you with a headache, backache, ulcer, or other stress related ailments.
* Your job does not challenge you, leaving you depressed.
* The career field you have chosen leaves you unsatisfied.
* Work leaves you out of touch with your friends and family.
The Art of Quitting
* Give plenty of notice. The company is going to need someone to take your place and it is only fair you give them enough time to find a worthy candidate.
* Tie up all loose ends and try to finish up all projects you are working on.
* Talk to your closest coworkers and tell them personally.
* Be friendly as you leave and do not burn any bridges.
Benefits of Quitting
* You can be reborn and get a fresh, new, exciting life for yourself.
* You can pursue your dreams and find a career that truly satisfies you.
* More time to focus on your own mental and physical health.
* A chance to reconnect with those closest to you.
Thinking of quitting without another job lined up? Be careful!
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