If you have an interview for a job that you really want to get, then I suggest you will be very careful with the way that you’ll dress. This is because companies care a lot about how their probably future employees present themselves as aspirants for the job, because it will tell them a lot of things about their commitment to helping the company grow and their efforts into making that happen as soon as possible. So what are the things you should keep in mind when going to a job interview?
The basics
Being too casual is a big mistake when going for an interview, especially at an important corporation. It doesn’t matter if you will interview for a company with a business casual dress code, you need to keep in mind that you are looking for a job and don’t have one yet.
If you want to get hired at a bank or maybe a law firm, then you should adopt the formal clothing style, meaning a dark suit. Regardless if you are a man or woman, this will be adequate. For a more relaxed look, you can vary the accessories or your shirt. You will thus give the interviewer the impression that you cared enough for this interview and job to dress up adequately.
Don’t dress too sexy
It’s true that sex sells, yet that is not the case when trying to get hired. Unless you maybe want to get a gig at Hooters or something similar, then make sure you don’t attract too much attention to your physical assets. Focus more on the ability to do this job, rather than swaying the interviewer with your looks.
So basically you are not allowed to wear anything that’s skin tight, low cut shirts, short skirts and anything else that you can wear in a club.
Don’t be too sloppy
If you will go to an interview and you will have a chipped nail polish or a stained tie, then you will only manage to raise red flags for the interviewer. This means you will show the interviewer you don’t care about giving attention to details and won’t do the same if you get the job. Be sure that you take the time to double check your interview ensemble, so that it’s in good condition, wrinkle free and clean. Your shoes should be shiny and your clothes freshly laundered, if you want to make a good impression without saying a word.
Guys should get a haircut, while the ladies should approach a hairstyle that’s professional and simple. A risk free option for them would be a ponytail hairstyle.
Careful with your sweat
When getting nervous, some people will actually sweat a lot. This will get worse if you are outside, you are overdressed or maybe you just ran so you don’t miss the elevator. It’s not actually a bad thing, yet some interviewers may interpret this as deception or sloppiness. If you know you have such problems, then make sure you will dress in a way that will help you hide it.
Making sure you dress up adequately at an interview will increase your chances of being hired, so keep these tips in mind and you will definitely increase your chances for getting the job you apply for!
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