An ugly email exchange has ocurred between Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis and employee Evan Culver according to TechCrunch.
Mistake #1: It appears the employee resigned via email and sent a friendly goodbye note to a distribution list.
Mistake #2: THE CEO loses his cool and responds, “Today was your last day.” He then goes on to close the departing employee’s email account.
Using email to quit a job is unacceptable, but it is an essential part of the resignation process.
Avoid a messy situation by buying The Exit Guide: How to Quit a Job the Right Way, a comprehensive ebook that takes you through the entire process, from how to put in your two weeks notice to a plan to stay calm.
It might be too late, but we’d be more than happy to pass a free copy along to Calacanis and Culver.
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