Back when podcasting was in its infancy, I launched the Working Podcast, a 20-minute online radio show that focused on the world of work.
A half a million downloads later, I think it’s fair to say my first online endeavor exceeded my expectations. I love audio and I love the concept of the show. But part of me recognizes that I no longer have the time to commit to putting together a well-produced and somewhat lengthy program.
So how do I keep the show alive and satisfy our thousands of subscribers, all while keeping my work/life balance in check?
Meet the Working Podcast 3.0; same great quality, just less of it!
Effective immediately, the career radio show will be produced in easy-to-digest, bite-sized nuggets. Each show will be between one and three minutes, delivering the latest career advice, employment news and job Website reviews.
I’m not sure how frequently I’ll roll out new “episodes.” My guess is that it won’t be every day, but it will be more than once a week.
I hope you enjoy the new format. Our goal is to give you important career information in an entertaining fashion and send you on your way.
Keep in mind that your feedback and ideas are always welcome. You can e-mail me at jobacle@gmail.com or call our toll-free voicemail hotline at 888/786-1080.
Thanks for your readership!
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