Some mornings I wake up and wish that I was spending the day with my best bud, our first Shiba Inu Kenji. Instead, I strap on a necktie and mind-numbingly swipe my photo ID card to gain access to my cell for the next eight hours.
Ever wonder how some of the nimrods you work with got hired? I often find myself thinking that Kenji and the Shiba Inu temperament make for the perfect coworker — even sans opposable thumbs. Here’s why…
Perfect Attendance
He never calls in sick, arrives late, or misses a meeting – and it’s not because he doesn’t know how to use the phone! Kenji is institutionalized. He thrives on routine. This makes him a dependable and loyal employee, the kind that you know you can rely on. (Well, as long as there’s not a squirrel running by!)
Merit-Based Raises
Kenji understands that good work will be rewarded. If he succeeds at a task, he is given a treat right away. Imagine giving your dog treats based on the number of years you’ve owned him or her? More employers need to study how we thank dogs for a job well done and employ those tactics with their workers. Yes, I’d even sit and roll over for a raise, wouldn’t you?
Cleanliness is Dogginess
A built-in waterproof coat definitely helps, but Shiba Inus are fastidious by nature. Showing up for “work” looking sloppy or smelling bad is simply not an option. Working in close quarters with Kenji would not be a problem — I can’t say the same for Stefanie from Marketing.
Inspired by Shibas? Give a few dollars to help this Shiba get the surgery she needs. (GOAL REACHED!)
Independent Worker; Team Spirit
Kenji loves spending time “near” his pack, but that doesn’t mean he is constantly on top of us. He is content “working” on his own but is unafraid to get input from the group should a situation arise. The best workers can handle things on their own but know when to recruit help, assistance, and guidance.
Problem Solver
If I were to leave my Shiba Inu unattended in the yard he would find 100 ways to escape. This country needs workers who understand their skill set and use their best assets to find an advantage, in the process, helping themselves and the company.
Positive Energy
Shiba Inus display the energetic spirit of a child with the discipline of an adult; now that’s a group that you would be excited to see at work on a Monday morning!
Friendly Nature
My dog says hello to every single person he encounters. He has a special way of saying ‘hi,’ and he never snubs anyone. Next time you’re walking the hallways at work be like Kenji; take a moment to acknowledge the people you pass with eye contact and a pleasant greeting.
Work/Life Balance
Shibas insists that we leave the “office” several times a day to get some fresh air. OK, so maybe he just needs to empty his bladder. But stepping away from your desk regularly should be part of your daily routine. It’s the best way to keep mind sharp and focused.
Chain of Command
Dogs understand hierarchy. They know that jumping over the boss’s head will lead to nothing but headaches. They know their roles and never stray too far from their assigned tasks.
Are Shiba Inus perfect? Close. But if you’re thinking of adopting a Shiba, be warned, they can make a splinter seem like a death sentence. They are Drama Queens. But they’re also amazingly cute! Learn more about this amazing breed and how you can help dogs in need by visiting the NYC Shiba Rescue website.
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