How are your time management skills? Do you find yourself getting most of the things done that you plan to each day or does it always feel like time is slipping away from you? Most people could do with enhancing their time management skills to some degree, so if you want to polish up your time management techniques, here are some ideas for you:
1. Have A Simple Plan
Planning is vital for good time management. Planning doesn’t have to mean that you spend hours making a detailed inventory of what you want to do – in fact, the simpler the better. Each day write down the two or three most important tasks that you need to do, and work on them first. Five minutes deciding on your key tasks is time well spent and will help you have a focus for your day.
2. Use An Alarm Clock
When you have talks to get done, using an alarm clock is a great way to stop you procrastinating and get you focussed. If you have been putting off writing that report, set your alarm for half an hour and get started. Using an alarm means that there is an end in sight which makes it easier for most people to get started on a task.
3. Learn To Say No
Learning to say no is vital for good time management. This is a big hurdle for many people and means that they often end up doing things that they don’t really want to do and taking on more and more. Learn to politely but assertively say no. Saying no helps you to value your time and leaves you more room to get the things done well that you need to and also say yes to things you really want to do.
4. Set Boundaries
As with saying no, setting good boundaries means that you are clear what you can do and what you can’t do meaning that you can manage your time better. If you find yourself always working late, it might be time to see what you can do to get your work done within your working hours. It might mean hiring someone else to help you, or just being stricter with yourself. Either way, enforcing those boundaries will help you to reign your time and deal with the issue in hand.
How do you manage your time? Have you got any time management tips to share?
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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