You didn’t embark on a career in home inspection just to see yourself remain at the same pay grade for years on end. You started this journey because you wholeheartedly believed that you could reach the very pinnacle of this industry and fulfill your true potential in it. If you are to scale these lofty heights in your professional life, you cannot ever afford to rest on your laurels. You must avoid stagnation at all costs, which is why you must constantly be looking for ways to take your career to the next level.
To find out what you must do to grow and succeed in the home inspection industry, be sure to read on.
Get to grips with the latest tech in the field
Much like the rest of the real estate industry, the field of home inspection is constantly being inundated with new forms of technology. If you want to keep up with the rapid changes that these new technologies are consistently enforcing upon your field, you need to get to grips with them as soon as they are rolled out. Quite simply, whenever a new piece of equipment or an update software solution is made available in the home inspection field, you must seek to learn all there is to know about it right away. This is the only way you are going to be able to consistently offer your customers a service that is befitting of the day.
Today, this means getting to grips with home inspection software. When used correctly, this easy-to-use technological tool will help you to automate your workflow, build your brand, manage your customer and agent relationships, streamline your scheduling process, and improve your billing procedure. With this tech at hand, you will find it much easier to stay on top of your administration, and in turn you will be afforded more time to get out there and actually inspect some homes.
Hone a number of skills
There are a number of specific skills that you must hone if you want to find a degree of success in the field of home inspection. With these tools in your arsenal, you will find it much easier to meet the expectations of your clients, you’ll provide a better and more thorough all-around service, and you’ll ultimately stand a better chance of being promoted within your firm or even being headhunted by another one.
Some of the specific home inspection skills that you must hone include:
- The ability to pinpoint the intricate systems and components that make up a home
- The ability to identify potential problems and pitfalls in the home sales process
- The ability to recognize key differences between old and new homes
- The ability to clearly and coherently convey your findings to your customers
Get yourself insured
Unfortunately for you, costly mistakes are easy to make in the home inspection industry. Should you make even the smallest of omissions on the inspection reports that you draw up, an expensive lawsuit could very well be filed against. If lawsuits are constantly being filed against you, you’re going to find it incredibly difficult to take your career to the next level. It is for this reason why you should get yourself insured. Taking out general liability cover will ensure that your small mistakes, errors, and omissions don’t result in your reputation as a home inspector being tarnished.
Start your own business
If you truly want to take your career in home inspection to new heights, you should seriously consider the prospect of starting your own business in the field. Should you ever decide to be brave and take this kind of leap into the unknown, you must:
- Draw up a business plan (cover factors such as startup costs, who your target market is, how long it will take you to break even, etc.)
- Form a legal entity
- Register for taxes
- Open a business bank account
- Obtain necessary permits and certifications
- Take out business insurance
- Define your brand
- Establish an online presence for your company
If you want to be a successful home inspector, you have to get to grips with the latest industry-specific technology, you need to hone your skills, you need to get yourself insured, and you need to seriously consider the prospect of starting your own business. If you do all of that, you’ll well and truly take the reins of your career in home inspection and find yourself making some serious money in this field sooner rather than later.
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