Did I ever tell you about the time I showed up to work after stepping in a steaming pile of dog crap?
Or the time that I went out to lunch, only to return to work looking like I had a fight with a bowl of marinara sauce?
And I’m not even that big of a spaz!
No matter what your occupation, a little stain can turn into a big problem. From being self conscious at a meeting to destroying your favorite pair of pants, the right stain removal product can help save the day.
Our friends at Tide want to hook you up. Share your worst work spill, stain, or messy mishap and you could win a Tide to Go Mini – the tiny product that delivers big results. Slip one of these “pens” into your work bag and never worry again!
I realize Tide to Go Mini wouldn’t have helped me with the dog poop incident, but they could have bailed me out of the Spaghetti Incident! Now share those stories…
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