Creative visualization is a technique that can impact job seekers and help them succeed in decision-making, interviewing and other important steps on the career path. Whether you are undecided about a career or stepping closer to victory, these techniques can make your journey an easier and less stressful process.
Write Down What You Want
Have you ever heard people talk about the power of the written word? Or heard people say that the pen is mightier than the sword? Some people believe that writing down what we want out of life can figuratively send a message to the universe so that those things come to us.
The same pattern works when you are searching for a job. If you haven’t yet decided what career suits you, making a list of scenarios in your life where you have felt positive and rewarded might help you stumble on the secret to your passion. And if you have already decided on a career path, write down the qualities and virtues that you might offer that particular profession. Tape your list somewhere you’ll see it and remember to read over it each day. The bathroom mirror and the refrigerator door are no-fail options. Read them as often as you can.
Picture What You Want
Photographs are powerful tools, especially when it comes to affecting our emotions. Knowing how photos can change our ideas about things, use them to your advantage when it’s time to seek out a fulfilling career.
Go through magazines, newspapers or anywhere you can find images that convey what, exactly, you want out of your career path. These might be images of other people working in your desired field or images derived from the field–a catchy ad, for example, if you’ve always wanted to write ad copy. Put these images on your computer screen at work or home. Get creative with searching for visual cues; the only basic guideline is that the image must bring you a sense of excitement, joy and optimism. Research has shown a distinct correlation between optimism and success in job search outcomes.
Say What You Want Out Loud
Another great technique for injecting optimism into your job search outlook is to talk out loud. You might feel a little silly talking to yourself in the mirror every morning, but speaking out loud about the things you want from yourself and from the universe is important. Sure, it’s fine to think about the things you want, but saying them not only gives you a greater sense of optimism but also makes them a bigger part of reality, which is crucial when you are preparing a major life change like pursuing the career of your dreams! Sit somewhere where you won’t feel ridiculed or watched, and begin repeating your mantras each day. Here are a few suggestions:
“I can succeed in the profession of….”
“I will come across as a competent candidate in this interview.”
“My career destiny is….”
Replace Negative Thoughts or Fears with Positive Ones
It would be foolish to pretend that a few setbacks won’t happen on your road to career success. However, it’s even more foolish to let a setback make you feel negative about your dreams. You can fight against negativity following a setback by turning it into something positive right away.
Let’s say you didn’t get a call after an interview and you feel disappointed. Do a mock interview with a friend, and seek feedback about your interviewing skills. Then, visualize something better coming your way instead of wallowing in your negativity–because something better is coming your way if you believe it.
Imagine Your Future
Daydreaming is not just something to do when you’re bored; it can also be useful for imagining what you want from the universe. When you picture yourself doing the job that you want, it becomes more feasible to get that job and succeed at it because you are focusing your subconscious on your goals. So find a quiet place where you can close your eyes or use any technique that relaxes you and try to envision yourself at your dream position, learning and even receiving compliments for your work. Don’t be afraid to be a little over the top in your daydream–the whole point is to get yourself motivated, excited, and optimistic.
Remember, before you can have the career that you want in life, you have to think that you are able and deserving of that career. These techniques can help you feel ready to achieve your goals. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to living your dream.
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