Meetings are the bane of existence for us office dwelling fools. Countless hours are spent around the conference table. Some people doodle, others daydream. And very rarely does anything actually get accomplished.
Former employees from Apple and EA are no strangers to wasteful meetings. That’s why they have created Meet or Die, the online tool where you can estimate how much money that meeting just cost the company, and share that info with the world.
Just specify the name of your company, the industry you work in, the length of the meeting and the titles of the attendees and sit back as Goolah, the site’s mascot, tells you how much money just evaporated into thin air.
After the meeting results are calculated, you have the option to share them on the site’s homepage.
The site is useful if you’re looking to kill a few minutes, but I’m still a fan of the Payscale Meeting Miser.
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