Due to some serious growth, Jobacle.com seeks two new bloggers.
1) Career Web 2.0. You will bring the latest and greatest career tools to our readers’ attention. Quickie reviews should be objective – pointing out the pros and cons of new employment-related Web sites and/or tools.
2) Career Advice. You need to be able to put a unique twist and/or spin on the standard career advice. Our goal is to deliver realistic advice in a voice that our readers trust. We’re true believers that there’s enough carbon-copy stuff on those HotMonsterBuilder sites. You must be original!
Send me whatever you think is necessary to get the gig and an approximate figure of what you would like to earn per post (you won’t get rich – but we can help with the groceries). You might be asked to write a paid sample blog entry. Payment will be made via Paypal.
We’ll plan to start at two posts a week per position (approximately 250 words each) and see how it goes from there.
We’re got big plans here at Jobacle. Get onboard now!
Contact me using this form or at jobacle at gmail dot com.
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