With every new trend comes a sea of blogs looking to corner the niche. Perhaps that’s the only silver lining as America’s financial situation looks to get worse before it gets better.
At some point, we’ve gotta recommend you look away from the train wreck; spending too much time on the doom and gloom will give you nothing but a panic attack. However, if you’re looking to stay in the know when it comes to layoffs, or simply want to commiserate with your pink-slip peers, here are the blogs where you’ll feel at home.
Feel free to add your favorite unemployment blogs below.
Global Crisis News: Aims to bring clarity to the economic and financial ‘disaster’ by making headlines from multiple sources available on a single Web site.
Pink Slip Blog: Devoted to posts related – however tangentially – to the workplace, business, management, the economy, lay-offs, etc.
SimplyFired: Run by job search engine SimplyHired, the Webist gives you a place where, “If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.” Read up on fired stories, watch videos and enter contests.
TechCrunch Layoff Tracker: Find out where the heads are rolling. Us a fancy Flash layofff chart to spot trends.
How to Layoff: Designed for employees, this site features step-by-step instructions on how to let people go. Includes letters and forms.
Layoff List: A Documentation Analyst for a large manufacturing operation has a little extra time to dedicate to this blog, since he’s a 1099 who finished up a long-term project a couple months ago.
FiredForNow: Advertising employee started the blog to write about the messy and complicated experience of being hired and fired. A journey of separating it from how I feel about myself as an individual and my value in the world.
Jobless and Less: The blog for the eploymentally challenged.
The Unemployment Cafe: This blog keeps me off the streets where I would definitely get into trouble for offending some nice, incredibly happy person.
Unemployment Advice: Nuggets of knowledge, statistics and advice about unemployment.
Laid Off and Looking: The Wall Street Journal follows eight out-of-work M.B.A.s as they search for jobs in a post-meltdown world.
Layoff Blog: Everything layoff related.
Layoff News: News and rumors about job cuts and layoffs.
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