Venting about work can be very therapeutic, but it can also be a dangerous habit-forming addiction. Rehearsing anger is not only bad for your career, it is bad for life. However, on occasion, there is nothing like anonymously releasing your work frustrations. There are certainly no shortage of Web sites that allow you to rant about your boss or expose your co-workers annoying behavior.
Stick with Jobacle, one of the world’s leading career advice blogs and your source for free career advice, employment news and Master Lists about work!
Disgruntled Workforce
Blog that accepts work rants. Writing must be approved by site owner. Simple.
From apples to work – rant about anything.
I Gotta Rant
Message board for rants on anything.
A little shameless self-promotion. The Working Podcast, the #1 career Internet radio show plays your rants! Just leave a voice mail at 888/786-1080 and listen to a future episode for your venomous words.
Anonymously write about your job experiences – good or bad. Available in about 12 major cities.
Job Jabber
Hate and love stories welcomed. Review companies. Forums.
Anonymous rants on employers and co-workers.
Site consists of bloggers and columnists but the core of the content is user-generated rants.
Scores and reviews on employers; find out what people thing of working for specific companies.
Content is unedited, though the site monitors to make sure a company is not being targeted by an individual.
Users fill out surveys on companies using a point system. Points are cumulative. For examples, Wal-Mart currently gets an overall score of -1507. NOT good.
Hundreds of companies and thousands of reviews.
Post comments about your job experiences and rate your company; send anonymous e-mails back and forth with current employees to get the inside scoop on companies.
Started as a national product but now concentrates solely on NYC.
360 Degree company profiles; detailed employer scorecards that include salary, work-life balance, morale, etc.
Questions include: What are the three best things about working at X; What would be the one thing that X should improve the most? etc.
Login/membership is required and users can remain anonymous by selecting a generic user name.
Once 50 people agree with a complaint Tecross will contact the organization to resolve the issue. If the company does not resolve the issue within 30 days, Tecross will send the relevant information to media companies for public awareness.
Vent Vent
Submit complaints and then vote other people’s gripes up or down. You can also leave comments.
Work Rant
Anonymous rants on employers and co-workers.
Name, location and job – and your rant.
The Work Review
User-generated content designed to enable members of the workforce to share information on employers.
Users rate companies on corporate culture, compensation benefits, stability, morale, etc – using a 10-star system.
Moderators edit accordingly.
We need your help to complete the list. Please add any work rant Websites that you know of in the comments section below.
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