Web 2.0 reviews take a lot of space on the Jobacle roster. This week, we’re covering KODA. KODA is a small tech startup that is making a name for itself in various unique ways. From the press release:
KODA launched its beta site on May 27, 2009. More professional than Facebook but more personal than Linked In, KODA allows both sides of the hiring equation to get to know each other by establishing profiles on the KODA platform. The result is that both the talent and the employer make more informed career and hiring decisions.
While many of us are looking for a job, we also want a company that is going to appreciate us for the unique skills and talents that we bring to the table. KODA allows users to set up a profile that goes beyond the normal “experience and education” on a traditional resume. In fact, in recent years, the trend has been to make the resume completely professional and remove all traces of a personal life.
KODA differentiates itself by focusing on matching people closely with employer jobs instead of trying to fit into the already-crowded social networking space. However, because they are a startup in a crowded market, they are currently only focusing on two markets—New Orleans and the Bay area. However, anyone can post jobs or create a profile.
KODA’s profiles have sections for expounding on life experience and for demonstrating Web presence; both of these are important factors to a younger job candidate that may otherwise remain hidden from employers. Maybe the fact that you spent an entire summer volunteering or traveling would be important to a potential employer. Maybe not. But unless the topic comes up somehow, there’s no way to know. While nobody may want to admit it, we’re more than a bunch of words on a page. We’re the sum of our dreams, hopes, and abilities.
If you’re interested in visiting KODA, feel free to check it out.
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