There’s an expression that has always been around, but recently, it’s been inescapable:
"Find your inner- _______."
For example, if I was suffering from serious writer’s block, a buddy might lean in and whisper, "Hey Andrew, just find your inner-blogger." Or if one of the Iron Chefs is stumped on what to do with octopus eyes, the Chairman might offer the following advice, "Find your inner-chef."
Well here we are, at the beginning of another "full" work week. No holidays, no planned days off for my boss and nothing but a series of mind-numbing meetings ahead. Let’s welcome a special guest to the Jobacle blog, Donald Trump. He’s here (in spirit) with some helpful quotes to challenge you to find your inner-ANYTHING.
Trump Quote: "Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making big deals…That’s how I get my kicks."
How do you get your kicks? Before you can find your dream job, you must figure out what fills your soul with joy – then work your ass off to build it into your career. If you don’t know
what your inner-________ is, how can you tap into it? The answer is not in Nostradamus’ lost book. Find it in yourself.
Trump Quote: "Don’t be afraid of being unique. It’s like being afraid of your best self."
Your inner-_________ can be anything, and you shouldn’t be afraid to shout it from the rooftops. One of the biggest problems I have with corporate America (especially when you’re mid-career) is people’s inability to think outside the box and take meaningful risks. Sure, it’s important to employ tried and true measures to achieve success. However, when you refuse to get creative, it’s likely that you’re aiming to break a ceiling that should be sitting much higher.
Trump Quote: "Nobody but a total masochist wants to be criticized."
Even at your very best, your inner-________ is a shoo-in for criticism. It’s never fun. You must consider the source and motive before you let it impact your world. Never let it stop
you in your tracks. If it takes some wind out of your sails, plug in a another fan! Perseverance could be half the battle.
Trump Quote: "I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is."
The self-help/career aisle at Barnes & Noble continues to grow. While there are a few helpful books out there, the majority of them are simply not necessary. There are 1,000 exercises and "worksheets" that promise to help you find out what you really want, aka, your inner-_________. In my opinion, you don’t need a single one, because the answer is only available in one place: your heart. Will you listen?
Get a blank piece of paper and a pen and answer these famous "current events" questions (just like sixth grade!).
WHO: If you can’t answer this one, the easiest of the bunch, then there really is no hope. In fact, shut your computer and please never come back to
WHAT: What you genuinely enjoy doing. Not necessarily what you know how to do.
WHERE: The place you’d like to work/geographic location.
WHEN: Your time table to bring your inner-________ to life.
HOW: This is the toughest question. You must put together a brief timeline of dots, and then figure out how to connect them.
WHY: Your motivation for finding your inner-______.
You must be able to answer all of the questions above to get started on the path of your dreams. Here’s mine:
WHO: Andrew G.R.
WHAT: New Media. Blogging. Podcasting. I love being creative and seeing projects through from beginning to end. If my regular gig won’t allow me to fill this void, I will find a way to make it happen myself.
WHERE: Suburbs of New York, within 30 miles of home.
WHEN: The plan starts immediately. I will start slow, working on Jobacle at night and on weekends, gradually increasing my hours until I can commit to working on it full-time. My goal is to have this happen within five years.
HOW: Treat my inner-blogger/podcaster as an employee. It’s a real job that I was flex the same dedicated-muscle I would to any "real" job.
WHY: After years and years of work at different organizations in different fields I’ve come to the conclusion that my values simply don’t match up with most organization’s agendas. Also, I would like my dedication and passion to make me money – not some corrupt fat cat.
Even if Jobacle never turns into a full-blown company, I starting it has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself – and that alone has made it worth it. I’ve found my inner-_______ and a genuinely hope you do the same. Now I have to make sure I hold onto it!
Why not take the challenge above and leave YOUR "current events" in the comments section below?
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