Workplace burnout is becoming a more and more common phenomenon and can be a very stressful experience to go through. So, how do we avoid getting burnout at work? How to do we create a healthy relationship to our work?
Set boundaries
A lack of boundaries is often at the heart of work place burnout. When we consistently try and do too much or find it hard to say no to requests, the pressure and stress can build up to an experience of burnout. Often a lack of clear boundaries is evident in employees and the company they work for. If that’s the case, start with yourself and get clear about what you can and can’t do; the clearer you are, the easier it will be to make changes for yourself and for the company.
Get support
Don’t try and go it alone. If you are feeling unsupported, see who or where you can get support from. Most companies have a HR dept or something similar and that is often a good place to start. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Listen to your feelings and reach out. Going it alone and bottling things up will add to your stress levels.
We all need to switch off from work. Get in the habit of creating a clear delineation between your personal life and your work life. If you are required to be on call or available at times, try to set clear perameters around this. Turn off your phone, laptop, email when you are not needed.
Stay healthy
Staying healthy is obviously a good thing to do regardless of workplace stress, but when you are feeling stressed or burnout healthy living is often the first thing we ditch. We reach for the donuts or skip the gym class. The problem with this is, we set ourselves up for a negative spiral and don’t help ourselves feel the best we can and equip ourselves to deal with the stress in the best way we can.
Manage your pay packet
The less reliant you are on your pay packet and hence, your job, the less pressure you place on yourself. If you are not already, get into saving some of your pay packet, even if it is just a little. It will empower you and help you to feel more in control.
Find the right job
Workplace burnout can also be a signal that we are in the wrong job. If you consistently feel drained and stressed by your job, it might be time to move on – either to a new job with better conditions or it might be time for a career change; maybe it’s time to find your passion!
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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