Company: NotchUp
Slogan: Opportunity Knocks.
Pros: Get paid for your interview time; Improves the talent pool; Incentives the job hunt for passive candidates
Cons: Benefits the people who need the least help; System can potentially be gamed;
Stealth startup NotchUp hopes to turn the interview process on its head by having employers reward candidates for their time.
A calculator, that factors in your current position, experience, education and salary helps you determine what price to set. However, you are free to pull an arbitrary number out of the sky. Payments are made via Paypal.
Sorta like a good faith payment, if a company is willing to pay for your interview time, you can be pretty sure you’re not just there to fill some EOE quota. The company also pays NotchUp a fee for each interview that is carried out.
What I do like about the concept is that it forces talented workers to shake off some of that complacency dust. No matter how good a job seems, for how long, all it takes is one tiny change and things can turn ugly, fast. Staying on the passive prowl is definitely recommended.
I also like the simplicity involved in setting up an account. Just import your LinkedIn profile and name your price. You then can adjust your settings to block your current company. You also set your preference as to whether or not you want to hear from headhunters. A blessing for some, a curse for others.
Currently, if you refer a friend to NotchUp you earn a 10 percent referral fee.
What concerns me about the site is that a strong contender, looking for a little extra cash, can milk the system by simply landing a few interviews. Putting even more truth behind that evil saying, ‘the rich get richer.’
I think NotchUp has the best potential for people who are truly at the top of their respective field – but I highly doubt the money will trickle downhill to you and me and 99% of the workforce.
We’ll find out in the coming weeks as the site rolls out. The founders have an open invite to appear on the Working Podcast and walk us through this intriguing business model. I’d love to learn more!
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