Craigslist strikes again. A hotbed for scammers, pedofiles and sexual deviants, the free online classified advertisement board is still a go-to website for many job seekers. In reality, there are real opportunities listed; I know, I’ve made some legitimate money. But let the (alleged) scam below be a reminder to be vigilant when looking for a job on Craigslist. These credit fraud punks have been sending the following email to job seekers — from Nashville to Long Island — who knows where they will strike next!
Thank you so much for your interest in our opportunity. I appreciate you contacting us.
You definitely seem qualified for the position, and more so than the other 16 applicants we received resumes from. I would like to take the next step with you. However, before I am able to schedule a formal meeting, my company will require that you acquire a recent (past 14-21 business days) credit report. We started this because our company had some bad incidents with prior employees taking advantage of having access to a company credit card.
Both myself and the company will prefer it that you use http://www.national-credit-report.org/CE3D02 (Editor’s Note: DO NOT VISIT URL) to acquire your check as they are offering the check at zero cost to you (unlike other places). We also discovered that their scores always reported back contain the most accurate information, but feel free to use any service you like.
Once you submit all of the required information, they will show your personal report. Please print it out and save it for your records. Please do not email me the entire report, as it will have private content. We can disscuss it when we meet in person. If you have a lower than expected credit score, it will never prevent you from a position with us. I had a fairly low score when I started.
Once your finished please e-mail me your phone number that you can be easily reached, and your availability to arrange an interview.
Personally, I am hoping to fill this position with a new friendly face and am looking forward to your quick response.
Kind Regards,
Bill Starway
Don’t get scammed! See the Jobfox scam site for more information and tips for finding a job with Jobfox.
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