Like many things, discovering how to get paid to play sounds too good to be true. The fact of the matter, though, is that it’s not too good to be true. Things that are too good to be true would be things that promise results without any work. You can discover how to find a career you will enjoy each day as long as you put in a little bit of work in finding out what that career is. So how can you discover a fun job that feels like play time and is actually a career?
Think About It – I know, it sounds like work. If you put some serious time and thought into figuring out what you like to do, though, you can then put some serious thought into how you can make your hobby into a paying career. Only serious self reflection will tell you what you view as play. So think about your hobbies and don’t leave anything out. If it’s snowboarding, you could be a snowboarding instructor, etc.
Take a Test Trial Run – Many ideas have a way of sounding glamorous but when you get down to it, they actually end up as let downs. So after and only after you’ve put in some serious thought into what you think you’ll like to do for a career, try it out. This could be by starting out freelance, taking a position as an intern or even simply purchasing materials for learning everything in depth that the job entails to see how the shoe fits, so to speak. So if your hobby is a combination of helping people and an adrenaline rush, and your dream is therefore to become an EMT, get yourself some EMT books and get to work.
Go for It – Which means make it happen. This is where most of the work comes in. If you have a dream, you’ve got to pursue it. The majority of the population do not get paid to play because they were not ambitious or daring enough to pursue their real interests in their potential career fields. Pound the pavement, wear out the phone key pad, do what you have to do to land a job that has to do with the hobbies you love.
Guest Author: Bryan Phelps is a full-fledged Internet addict and a Utah SEO consultant. He uses his expertise to help business owners grow online through his Internet marketing company, Big Leap Web.
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