Everybody who has ever held a job for any length of time knows what work stress is all about. We have all had to deal with it at one time or another. You might even say that a little bit of work-related stress is good for you because it makes you step up to meet its cause, such as a shortened deadline.
The problem comes when work-related stress is a constant, everyday weight on your mind and body. When it is this type of stress, it is terrible for your health, and it spills over into your personal life. Ruining relationships and preventing you from having a good life. There are a few things that you can do, though, so don’t crawl farther down into your rabbit hole.
- Triggers – The most important thing you need to do is identify your triggers. We all have them. They are things that increase your stress levels at work, such as a specific boss or customer. Once you have identified your triggers, you need to get control of them. For example, if a particular customer that comes in makes your stress go through the roof, ask one of your coworkers to handle them this time. You need to figure out how you can deal with that customer and all other triggers without negatively impacting you. Using the example above, when the customer approaches you with their typical attitude, just shrug it off. Realize that it is nothing personal, and it simply reflects upon the customer, not you. Help them out and get them out the door without letting anything they say or do get to you.
- Time Management – Stress from work comes in numerous ways. One significant trigger is the amount of work you need to get done compared to the time and help you have. You will often not be able to get all your projects done in one day, which can trigger a negative side to your mental health at work. You need to look at the list of things that you need done and prioritize them. Use time management skills and get what you can get done without letting any of it stress you out. You need to remember that tomorrow is a new day, and the work will still be there when you come in. Manage your time, manage your projects, manage your people, and follow the advice given in “The Lion King.” Have no worries about the rest of your days.
- Walk Away – Now, you don’t want to take this tip in a literal way. Walking away means that when the stress does build up to the point of causing a mental break, you need to step away. Take your break or lunch and do something that you enjoy, such as a walk or bike ride. Whatever it is can release some anger (anger seems to go along with stress.) Do not continue working on a task or around a person blowing all your triggers up. Some time away will help you get back into control of your mind to get back to it without exploding.
- Help – There will be times in your life, work and private when you cannot handle the stress anymore. This is the time that you need to get some help. Talk to a doctor and get some medical advice or talk to a therapist to get it off your chest. You may even have to go both routes, and get onto some medications to help alleviate the amount of stress you have.
Stress at work can affect every part of your mind, body, and life. If your job is taking too much out of you, it may be time to consider moving jobs. We all need to work to pay our bills, but there really is no point in wasting your life away working for a company that causes vast amounts of chronic stress. Find a job that you enjoy that has little pressure attached to it, and get on with your life as a happy, stress-free member of society.
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