Site: The Career Mole
Slogan: Meet. Refer. Progress
Pros: Targeted networking; receive inside information
Cons: Pay per connection; Moles’ motives are not made clear
One of the best ways to increase your odds of landing a job is to tailor your resume, interview responses and appearance to the company’s culture. Of course, more often than not, you might not have any contacts within the organization. That leaves you at the mercy of information posted on the employer’s Website. Until now.
Thanks to The Career Mole you can access unfiltered and unadulterated information from people who work at companies you are targeting. Unlike many job vent Websites, the ‘Moles” goal is to deliver insight (both good and bad) and give you the inside track on job vacancies, all while preparing you for the interview process.
A Mole can chat with you, look over your resume/cover letter and help you prepare your application. The major downside to this is that, in reality, you don’t know much about the Mole. What is the company offering them as an incentive to recruit you? Perhaps the Mole has no influence with hiring managers. Or, worse yet, affiliating yourself with the Mole HURTS your chances of landing a gig.
You’re probably wondering, ‘What’s in it for the Mole?’ The sell is that Moles can develop a network of top-notch recommendations, thus earning ‘recognition’ from their employer. The Career Mole does NOT offer any referral bonuses. Moles collect rewards from ,if they offer such a program.
The Career Mole also is positioning itself to be a tool for recruiters. Candidates, would-be Moles and employers can learn more here.
Moles can choose to reveal their true identity or be anonymous. Also, they can expect to get their first three connections for free. After that it costs approximately 99 cents per connection.
New Moles are signing up daily, but right now the army is not that large. In order to survive, TCM will have to add a lot more Moles – and fast. Also, we’d like to see a Mole feedback system implemented.
With writing and reporting from Kate Gatto.
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