Launched with little fanfare and a miniscule budget (see video below), Microsoft’s new search engine Bing and CareerBuilder have teamed up (using the Bing API) to bring you Applicant Explorer. Designed to give an employer more information about a job candidate, the app mines data that is available across the Web. That means that all of your forum postings, personal Websites, Press releases, blogs, and newspaper articles can come back to haunt you. (I realize they can help you too!)
From a recruiting/employer perspective, Applicant Explorer is a great tool, culling from hundreds of data sources to paint a complete picture of an applicant.
From an employee perspective, it could be a nightmare.
We’ve warned you before and we will warn you again. Watch those tweets, control those pictures and think about making yourself scarce online. From political views to the music you like; favorite foods to sexual orientation – the more data HR has about you, the more likely you will NOT get hired. It’s the law of averages.
Applicant Explorer is free to employers who use CareerBuilder’s Resume Database service.
From the press release:
Careerbuilder.com announced the availability of Applicant Explorer, a new application built on the Bing API that helps recruiters find qualified candidates in the fraction of the time it once took. Rather than manually sorting through applicant resumes and then searching the web for additional information to fill out a candidate profile, Applicant Explorer uses the Bing API to supplement CareerBuilder’s resume database with online results from public sites including social networking sites, blogs, corporate websites and forums.
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