Writing can be your hobby or your job, or both. Here you can find writing tips and tricks and useful information on how to become a good writer.
Not Everybody Can Be a Writer
Writing is formulating your thoughts and ideas on paper. It seems simple, however, if you try once, you will see that good writing is actually quite complicated. That is why not everybody can be a writer. To write even a synthesis essay template, one needs at least basic skills and knowledge.
Still, if you want to learn how to write, these tips may be really helpful.
Writing Tips & Tricks
- Reading a lot helps writing;
- Practice is the key to success, write for yourself;
- Be consistent.
Once you follow these tips, in time, you will see that writing is not so complicated anymore. You will notice that essays that you have written are becoming more appealing, that short stories are more engaging. Anything that you are trying to write is not so bulky anymore.
Yet, these tips help to overcome initial obstacles. If you want to master your skills, you shall learn every day, every hour or the whole life.
When you move to more advanced level, these tips will help you to go on with writing and develop your skills.
Do not Make Your Reader Bored with Your Writing
Boring writing is something that can ruin any author. But what is not boring today? Many people prefer video to reading. Reading is boring, video is interactive and engaging. Many believe so, but you still can change their opinion.
Make your writing interesting. There are a few tricks how to do it.
First of all, respect the readers` time. People are in a hurry all time. They do not have time for your sentiments if they are looking for technical content or practical advice. Be precise.
If your reader is interested in gossiping, go in more details, give him some nuances to think about. If you have more opinions regarding the described situation, give them. If you have just dry facts, invent a story and make those dry facts juicier.
Stick with One Tense
You shall remember that you are writing about a particular period, hence, one tense would be ok for the entire story. For example, the sentence “I used to work in a hotel. It is so busy and I am so tired” sounds not only confusing but grammatically incorrect. Avoid this by all means.
Catch Attention from the Start and Keep It Until the End
Long introductions frighten your reader away. Start with the first words. Do not make long deviations from the topic. Well, do not make deviations from the topic at all. If your reader has selected your article to read, it means, he is interested in your topic.
It is better to start in an interactive way. Speak with your reader: ask relevant questions that your reader may be asking himself, respond to them. Give various views and opinions. Make conclusions. Be precise and short.
Starting your story with a dialogue helps to attract attention immediately. Hence, make a compelling and intriguing dialogue, so that your reader gets interested in the story.
If the dialogue isn’t suitable and for some reason you cannot start the story with the action, then start it with a scene before the action. Show the reader that nothing is happening yet, but soon the action will start.
Stories are boring without conflict. Show that the conflict is developing, that an intrigue is coming. Then your reader will be looking forward to each sentence he is going to read.
After A Good Start Introduce the Characters
After you have caught the reader’s attention it is time to explain who is who. Do it in an interesting way as well if you don’t want to ruin the first impression.
Make Unexpected Ending
What is logical is not intriguing. Make an unexpected ending, something that the reader could not even imagine. Then you will attract more readers to your story and will make them look forward to other stories written by you.
Proofread Your Writing
Even if you have an editor, still, you’d better proofread your text. You may notice that some sentences are not connected to each other. You will discover some odd thoughts or missing ones. You may want to rephrase the sentences to make them more appealing. There are many things that you will see when you read your text once more after it is already written.
Enjoy The Writing Process
Writing is an enjoyable process. You may earn your living with writing, then it is even more enjoyable process. Moreover, it brings you money. Look forward to each idea that you are going to write down because this particular story and this particular idea may make you famous.
Talent is important when you select such creative job as writing. However, being simply talented isn’t enough to be successful. Work hard, learn and practice. Then, one day your story may bring you fame and money.
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