Aren’t we just so very proud of ourselves: in a single quantum leap, or so some would have us believe, we’ve eradicated all forms of overt prejudice. So be it race, religion, ethnicity, color, sexual persuasion, etc., being against (or for) someone for these reasons alone just isn’t considered acceptable any longer. And, while this can seem very all-American and an unassailable virtue that even the European Union would be happy about, the reality is that we are really kinda ambivalent about the whole thing. I mean, there’s really no way to reconcile being for equality yet also touting affirmative action. Sure, this can be parsed and rationalized in a million ways, but let’s just leave that up to the gliberals, the power elite to justify this type of social schizophrenia. And, BTW, they (like the NT Slimes, the Rockefeller Foundation, Mayor ‘Mike’ Bloomberg, etc. ad nauseum) are real good at having you and I pay-in every way so that they can continue to blithely pursue their social engineering objectives.
We, however, have more important business!
Ironically, and for all of our self-proclaimed modern day liberalism, it seems that there is one prejudice that still stinkingly lurks behind every office door, and each cubicle semi-wall. A hatred, a disgust that is not only acceptable, but very fashionable. And that’s the way heavy, fat, and overweight people are perceived and treated-every day and in every way in the workplace. The school yard rejections they suffered have never, ever ended for these folks. Paradoxically, the new wave of bosses, and other assorted exec-types are, in this age of plenty, for the most part, anorexic. You know them, the earthy, crunchy, vegan urbanists who flaunt their gauntness by, of all things, wearing basic black so as to further accentuate what they see as almost imperial slimness. Hey, if they want to starve themselves, that’s their business.
But when they claim moral superiority over others who happen to weigh more than, say, 125 lbs., they are nothing more than bigots. That’s right, they behave no better than the symbolic ‘Joe Six Pack’, who curses everyone that’s different than him, as he rides the subway to his job in a local factory. The reality is that workers who are perceived as overweight are hired less often than their thinner conterparts, are less likely to be promoted and in general are treated with less consideration and respect. These people are unfairly maligned as ‘lazy’, ‘crude’, ‘irresponsible’ and ‘classless’by the current group of younger and thinner bosses. In fact, the anorexics revel in the moral indignation they direct towards the overweight, blaming them for everything from the nation’s rising health care costs to green gas emissions and everything in between. The truth that the heavy, and yes, the fat, they are not just like the rest of us, they ARE us.
If we continue to allow the current spate of skinny bosses to get away with treating overweight people as shabbily as they now do, we need to ask ourselves, who’s next?
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