Nanotechnology? Huh?
Have you grown weary of reading all those “hot jobs for 2012 (or whatever)” lists? Is it me or do they always have careers in which I wouldn’t be remotely interested or others I’m convinced someone is making up? A recent Wall Street Journal article, “What Will Be the Hot Jobs of 2018?”by Sue Shellenbarger, discusses some of the hottest careers coming up. Don’t get me wrong, I do think these articles are extremely helpful for young people who are poised to choose a career. They can inform and help students gear their curriculum towards jobs that might actually hire and pay decently in the future. But for an aging worker/sometime job-seeker like me, even the idea of “nanotechnology” as a career makes me cranky.
In past posts, I’ve written about some dream jobs, “I Want a TV Job” and careers that might be appealing if I ever decide what I want to do next, “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?” But what about some jobs you will not find on the “hottest jobs” lists?
The first category on my job list would be – “civilian deputy” (These deputies would not be affiliated with any law enforcement entity.)
* Civilian Flip-Off Deputy – The primary duty would be to issue citations to motorists who flip off innocent drivers when the flippers have clearly done something wrong. The most severe penalty would be that the offender must have a giant foam finger affixed to their vehicle at all times.
* Civilian TMI Deputy – This deputy would be authorized to issue citations to anyone who begins to share too much personal information in inappropriate settings. Those settings might include, but are not limited to, the Express Lane at the grocery store, car dealer service-area waiting rooms or gym locker-room shower areas.Penalties might include being forced to watch Spanish soap operas for 20 hours.
The second category would be B-I-C (Butt in Chair).
* Model Home Babysitter – In the current housing market, this would be a breeze. Who’s looking at model homes? You could read TV Guide cover-to-cover before your first coffee break.
* BMV – Okay, that’s too easy.
So, what would be on your “alternative” future hot job list?
This is a post by Nancy LaFever. You can read more from her at the Centre for Emotional Wellbeing blog.
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