You’ve realised that you want to change your job but are worried about doing so. However, are the excuses not to leave that you are coming up with valid in reality? Here are eight of the most common bad reasons for not quitting your job:
1. It might get better if I hang on long enough
That’s true; it might get better but there’s just as much chance that it could get worse, (if not, there’s no reason why it won’t stay the same). You could wait forever for things to change. Giving yourself a deadline will prevent you from hiding behind this excuse long term.
2. Things are bad out there, I won’t get another job
Times are tough for many in the work place but there are jobs out there. If you want to leave your current job enough you’ll do what it takes to find another. That may mean re-locating or re-training but there are always opportunities out there if you are determined to find the job you want.
3. I get a good salary which I don’t want to lose
So, you are selling your soul and working in a job you don’t like because of the money. No amount of money is worth a large percentage of your life being spent in a job that makes you unhappy. If your lifestyle depends on the income, decide if it’s worth the price. Many people have taken a large decrease in salary in order to pursue a dream job. If you look forward to going to work every day, maybe it’s worth looking how to change your lifestyle to make it affordable.
4. Changing jobs has a negative impact on my resume
Whereas in the past staying in one job may have shown commitment and loyalty, now it’s more likely to indicate someone stuck in a rut or afraid of change. Career changes demonstrate you have the ability to be versatile and able to diversify and adapt; all good qualities in the work place. Changing jobs every week obviously doesn’t look good but having a varied career path can indicate a range of acquired skills and experiences that will appeal to many employers.
5. I’ll feel my employers will have won if I leave
To be honest, it won’t take long for them to forget you and when you are happily working in your new job, will you really care what your old employers thought of you? More likely you’ll only regret is that you didn’t take the leap sooner. And to be honest, should you really make your career decisions based on the opinions of others, especially if you don’t like them?
6. I’ll feel guilty because my boss is so nice
You need to keep in mind that its work, not your social life. Your employers will get over it and if they can’t appreciate that changing job is something you need to do, do they really value and respect you and your needs?
7. My job gives me prestige and status
This only matters if what others think of you is more important than what you think of yourself. Do you really think so little of yourself that you would rather stay in an unhappy job just to keep up a certain image of yourself?
8. I don’t like quitting.
Not quitting a job because of this reason is to quit from being true to yourself, your wants and needs.
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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