Your customers will reward you with more sales if you provide them with great customer service. Outstanding customer service combines the golden rule with simplicity. Give your customers the easiest route to what they want. Here are some ways to provide stellar customer service.
1. Provide solutions – Your customers are genuinely more interested in their own problems rather than your store’s sales. When they come to your store, they are single minded. If you give your customers exactly the products for which they are looking, they will keep coming to your store. When you give them great information on their initial visit, you will become their first call for related items.
2. Don’t take it for granted – Customers choose to come to your store and use your services. With the level of local and global competition, there are other vendors from where your customers can get widgets. Show your appreciation for your customer’s business. When you thank the customers for their patronage, be sincere.
3. Simple website – A company’s web site needs to be simple. It should convey necessary information about the solutions for which your customers are looking. The products should be laid out in an easy-to-follow searchable format. Let the customer decide how their favorite products should be viewed.
4. Reward your customer’s loyalty – Reward repeat customers with a loyalty program. The airline industry introduced frequent flyer miles. Some businesses offer free or reduced-price products after a customer has bought a designated number of full price items. Recognize those repeat customers who drive your business.
5. Listen to your customers – Your client will tell have a general idea of the product for which they are asking. They will, in many cases, not have something specific in mind. You are the expert. You determine the product that you show the prospective customer, based on the pre-sell conversation. If your customer is looking for a basic computer, do not immediately take them to the top-of-the-line gaming machines.
If you’re looking to improve your staff, you can always consider a customer service training uk service to help.
6. Be honest – Honesty is the best policy. When you are honest, you do not have to worry about what you told the customer yesterday. You do not have to worry about your coworkers correcting you. Develop a reputation for honesty with your customers. If you are forced to tell a customer that a product will not work for them, be fully prepared to offer more appropriate solutions.
7. Pay attention – Do not be distracted when you are speaking with a customer. If you are talking to someone on the phone, devote your full attention to listening. Most transactions are performed on an individual level. When you give the customer the impression that you would rather be doing something else, they will read that message and no longer patronize your services.
8. Follow up – Your follow up offers customers an added opportunity to comment about your products or services. Provide the customer with an open line of communication. Let them know that you are concerned about their experiences. Following up with a customer gives them the impression that you are truly on their side.
9. Nothing is personal in business – When a customer vents to you about your company, do not take it personally. They might have had a bad day. They might have frustrations over an incident that happened previously. Trading insults with clients is not conducive to a great working relationship. The customer is generally angry about a situation. Fix the situation and continue.
10. Go the extra mile – Provide your customers with something unexpected. Keep their best interests in mind. If you are printing a customer’s flyers and see a typo, point out the typo before you print a case of them. This customer will be thankful and come back to your business. Companies with superior customer service rise higher than those with merely mediocre customer service. When you attend to the customer’s needs, go the extra mile, and make it simple for customers to part with their money, your sales will rise.
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